“We are delighted to have been granted the Mankessim South exploration licence, which further consolidates and enhances our Cape Coast Lithium portfolio and strategy,” said IronRidge chief executive Vincent Mascolo.

IronRidge Resources Ltd (LON:IRR) has been granted a new exploration licence in Ghana at Mankessim South.
The new licence grants IronRidge with full ownership of a contiguous prospective lithium exploration licence adjacent to its Ewoyaa lithium project, which already boasts a 14.5mln tonne resource, proactiveinvestors.co.uk reports.
The company has re-mobilised resources at the Mankessim site to commence low-cost regional exploration programmes, including grid auger drilling, mapping and sampling within the newly-granted license and surrounding resource footprint area.
Low-cost regional exploration programmes including reconnaissance mapping, sampling and grid auger drilling are planned to commence in early July across the company’s projects, once rains start to subside.
Auger drilling will focus within the immediate resource area and strike extensions into the Mankessim South license to define surface extents of pegmatites under weathered and transported cover ahead of future drilling.
“Additional spodumene-bearing pegmatites have been observed at the Saltpond By-Pass pegmatite within the newly-granted license, and 960 metres from the southern margin of the current resource footprint, boding well for potential future resource upgrades.”
Long-lead environmental and social baseline studies and monitoring is ongoing, with dry season surveys underway to feed into future scoping study design.
GHM News Network