Ghanamatters.com has uncovered a petition written by two aggrieved NDC members from the northern region to the newly elected national chairman of the NDC. The two members of the NDC are not too happy with Mr Allotey Jacobs media presentation.
The petitioners are calling on the national executives committee of the NDC to redraw Mr Allotey Jacobs from representing the NDC on any media platform. It is not clear, whether the party has the mandate to sanction such a request.
The petitioners are Baba Musah, a member from the Sagnarigu constituency and Kipo Elijah Bakar, from the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba constituencies respectively alleged that, Mr Allotey Jacobs is working against the NDC per Article 45 (b) of the party’s constitution.
Below is a copy of the petition.
Petition- The National Chairman-NDC
We the undersigned wish to formally petition the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the great National Democratic Congress to withdraw Mr Bernard Allotey Jacob (the “Accused”) as a representative (communicator) of the NDC on both radio and television programmes.
1. We are card bearing members of the party and in good standing. The right to forward this petition for your utmost consideration is derived from Article 45 of the party’s constitution which enjoins all party members to protect and defend the party and its interests at all times.
Therefore, we are relying on the letter and spirit of article 46(8b) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) constitution which states that “a party member may be subjected or may be made to subject to the Party discipline for anti-Party conduct or activities likely to embarrass the Party or bring the Party into hatred, ridicule, or contempt”.
And article 47(1) which also stipulates that “any member who has reasonable grounds to believe that another member or other members of the Party are in breach of the provisions of clause 8 of Article 47 may lodge a petition in writing to an appropriate Executive Committee for redress.
We do so in good faith and with very clear conscience without any malice or ill-motive whatsoever.
2. The accused is the immediate former Central Regional Chairman of NDC, who represents the NDC in the media such as Peace fm, Asempa fm, Adom Tv among others as a party communicator.
3. Mr Bernard Allotey Jacob notwithstanding his position as the then Central Regional Chairman of the party publicly rejected the party’s call not to participate in the ongoing NIA’s “Ghana card” registration exercise until the party’s demand that the Voter’s ID card is included as one of the requirements for registration, is met.
This we believed he acted in contravention with:
▪ Article 45(b) which requires every party member to “defend the name of the party as well as its decisions”;
(c) “faithfully implement the lawful decisions of the party”.
Source: Ghanamatters.com | Ghana