Nsawam Government Hospital another ticking time bomb of heart wrenching situation

In 2018, Ghana was rated as one of the countries in the world with the worst emergency healthcare system

*Nsawam Government Hospital another ticking time bomb of heart-wrenching situation*

Rainfall in Ghana has contributed to unearthing and highly exposing Ghana’s infrastructure deficiencies over the past years.

A viral video making rounds on social media captured by Ghanamatters lenses saw health workers at the Nsawam Government Hospital endeavouring to relocate patients on sick beds to prevent them from being bathed by a leaking roof during a rainstorm at where the hospital is situated.

In the development, the video gives credence that the roof of the female ward leaking profusely, with water tripling in while nurses are seen propelling a bed with a patient on it to protect her safety.

It was gathered that the video didn’t hit the net at the exact time it was taken, however, the recent rain in the country has brought to the limelight ample challenges in Ghana’s infrastructure development. This is inimical to the country’s progress as far as healthcare is concerned.

Not long ago The Ghana Medical Association warned of dire health challenges in the years ahead should government fail to substantially invest in the country health care system.

It was established that aside from the low doctor to patients ratio of 1000 patients to a doctor inadequate facilities for the smooth operation of emergency medical services in the country have to a number of preventable deaths.

The question that is begging for Answer is upon all the money borrowed by this current to see to the well-being of the various health centres in the country has gone down the drain. For government to invest hugely in the country’s health system has become cankerworm and this has slapped the Nsawam Government Hospital where patients are struggling to survive.

In 2018, Ghana was rated as one of the countries in the world with the worst emergency healthcare system.

The report placed Ghana in the category of countries whose local emergency and dental care, as well as administrative barriers in health, were unimpressive, negatively affecting overall quality health care delivery. This is a clear indication that the current administration has failed woefully in the sector and needs to be kick out from power.

Well-meaningful Ghanaians are now appealing to government to find pragmatic measures to address such predicament before it blows a lot of dimensions in the country’s health delivery.

By Lawrence Odoom