In recent years, accidents have claimed the lives of so many people and distorted families. The quest to reduce road accidents in Ghana has taken several turns including education, research, policies, music, advertisements, trainings, among others.

The National Road Safety Authority established by an act of parliament, plays the lead role in championing, promoting and coordinating road safety activities in Ghana.
An interview with miss Rejoice Dogber, winner for the Face of road safety contest 2019 revealed that the pageantry exist to support the fight against road accidents in the country. She said “the National Road Safety Authority needs help, and that is what I stand for, the little training, speech or gift I present to someone in the name of Road Safety can make a difference.
There are so many angles to tackle road safety from and we cannot leave all to the NSRA, we all have to join hands to ensure safe roads.” She again mentioned that, people should stop reading negative meanings into beauty pageants and focus on the aims of it.
Miss Rejoice is passionate about her work as a road safety ambassador and pleads with corporate organisations, institutions, authorities, private individuals and benevolent people to open their doors to support a worthy course such as Face of Road Safety Ghana.